"K-pop is an abbreviation for Korean pop music (also referred to as GaYo or KaYo music), specifically from South Korea. Many of these artists and musical groups have branched out of South Korea and have become popular in many countries around the world. The popularity of K-pop is often considered a part of the rise of the Korean Wave, the recent surge of popularity of contemporary South Korean culture in Asia."
K-pop adalah singkatan 'Korean Pop' . Yang kalau kat muzik video tu diorang nyanyi sambil joget2 tu lah...budaya joget stail korea nih da menular dan popular di serata dunia.
aku suka tengok muzik2 video diorang...layan yang best2 je ..yang tak best aku tak tengok..hehe
contohnya mcm video ni pada entry aku sebelum nih
Entah camne aku bleh terjumpa plak K-pop PARODY...layan gak video nih..sengal je diorang
weyh..yg nobody2 but you tu pun temasuk dalam kategori ni ke?
ape ke nama group pmpn menari reramai tu
wadergurls ek?
to xtionkamen,
wondergirls tu kpop lah.
to ayul,
saya mencadangkan anda layan 2NE1.way better than your kara.
alah!yg ni aku dh tgk.super junior dlm intimate note.dh berzaman dh video ni.lembablah kau.
parody boo beep aku tak suke!buruk!
ommo ommo ommo!
how come my minho doing that?arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
ok,ni dh komen yg ke berapa?LOL.
chitty bang bang parody paling kelakar!
yg ke berapa ni?HAHAAHAHAHAHA!
jo kwon the king of parody!
kau ni tak jiwa mafia lansung layan benda2 cenggini.
gua tak layan k-pop k-pop ni. yang gua tau pop rock je
geli! :P
aku mint rain, tu kira macam k-pop x?
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aghhh.... k-pop is the best...
layan layan~~~ jgn tak layan
super junior / shinee / 2pm / 2am /
best best...
he he he....
nak carik kekasih hari ni jugak....
tak kire laa wlaupun shari jer...ngeh3
eah pe tibe-tibe aku jadi giler nie
mintak maaf yer
aku undur diri~~~
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